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Prioritization is a process that successful leaders use to ensure that they are focused on the right things. If you don’t respect your time, then why would anyone else? The art of saying “no” gives you more control of your time, and who wouldn’t want? You will:

  • Learn to prioritize work according to what is most important. Make time for the most important tasks and focus on the work that matters. Don’t let short-term and urgent daily tasks get in the way of top priorities.
  • Learn the value of “no.”
  • Plan the day for efficiency. Organize, prioritize, and execute against a task list
  • Review and evaluate meeting effectiveness
  • Learn Time blocking
  • Learn to manage interruptions

  • Identify and overcome your time bandits
  • Prioritize your to-do list from urgent to unimportant to complete the critical tasks first
  • Schedule your prioritized deadlines 
  • Communicating what’s on your plate
  • Assert yourself and say "no" not now 
  • Prioritization techniques to avoid procrastination   

One major cause of stress is taking on too many commitments. So when on your to-do list feels like everything is a priority, you will strive to do everything, leading to endless frustration that you are not accomplishing very much. In this one-hour session, you will learn how to say No not no, and learn a way to determine the highest priority work to say “yes” to. that? Saying No- can be the most important time management skill you can develop.

  • Newly promoted supervisors or managers recently promoted with less than one year experience

Audrey Halpern is a soft skills training facilitator consultant with 20+ years of experience. Audrey’s is currently a  faculty member of American Management Association where she trains communication skills.

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